These are the things… About Ruri & Kayane


LBK: Are you single?

Ruri: Yes, I am.

Kayane: Yes, I am.

LBK: If you could choose to be any animal, what would it be and why?

Ruri: I would be a monkey so that I could swing on trees all day!

Kayane: I would be a Tortoise. I think they are very wise.


LBK: Auto-tune: yay or nay?

Ruri: I say nay for the most part… But it also depends on the type of song no?

Kayane: Depends on the artist, If you can make it work for you, I say go for it. However, auto tune is a double edged sword not every album is going sound like ‘808’s and Heartbreak’.


LBK: What is the most awkward moment you’ve had with a sibling?

Ruri: Third wheeling their date and faking interest *AKWARD*

Kayane: I tend to avoid those as much as I can.

Watch the single “Celebrate Love” >

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