On the Face of it – Denver Ochieng’ Speaks on Usoni

By Audrey Kathurima

Ever wondered what it would be like if the world depended on Africa to survive?The sci-fi series Usoni brings that possibility to life on screen. It is an adaptation of the film, Future by Marc Rigoudis. The story is set in 2063, and is about the treacherous journey that a couple from an ailing Europe face as they leave for the now illustrious Africa. Denver Ochieng is the producer of the show; a 21 year old 3rd year journalism student at USIU. He explains that this is a story which seeks to address various issues in Africa and the world. Chief among these is immigration, which the show addresses during the premier of the second episode.

The series has received mixed reviews from various individuals and publications, many of which seem to question why anyone would have to go to Africa in the first place. The young producer answers this and more:


The little bird: Why did you take on the project?

Denver Ochieng: I took on the project because I was intrigued by the concept. The executive producer and creator, Marc Rigaudis, suggested I should produce since he had already seen other projects I was involved in. Let’s just say it was a challenge I was willing to take on.

Tlb: How did you become the producer for the series Usoni?

DO: It was through Marc’s trust in my abilities that I got to take on the project that is Usoni. The team on board also inspired me to work twice as hard because without them, there would be no Usoni to produce.


Tlb: Would you say the series would be an escape in terms of fantasy? That is, a lot of people have fantasized about the “what if’s” and how life would be if roles were reversed?

DO: I think the series has a little bit of every genre in film. But science fiction is a predominant present genre in the production since the concept itself talks about natural disasters in Europe in our pilot episode.

Tlb: The story is similar to that of John Christopher book, “World in winter”. Was the book of any inspiration to the script? What other works inspired the series?

DO: In terms of the inspiration of the script, we based it on Marc’s feature film, Future, a concept he had been working on for 2-3years prior to the production of Usoni.

Tlb: Usoni is basically reverse immigration. What do you have to say about the comments on it being another form of colonization?

DO: The story in no way seeks to have a negative connotation in any way. It was produced to address issues affecting Africa & the world in general. Yes, it is controversial, but what is the purpose of film if not to tell stories whether preferred or not?

We just wanted to bring this and other issues to the limelight. We wanted people to actually talk about this and other issues around the world. An objective which I think we have been successful at so far.

Tlb: What have been the key lessons you have learnt from working as the producer for this series?1380492_178533072338479_880334559_n

DO: It has taught me a lot, including how to work with a 20 plus crew, a task I was not used to before. I also have learnt a lot about the production process and PR.

Tlb: What was the experience like? Did you have any challenges and difficulties?

DO: The experience was a life changing one, one that I would not trade for anything. We had a lot of challenges like inadequate budget, lack of equipment & so on, but we fought through and we thank God for the success we have achieved.

Tlb: Why would Africa be the better continent to move to? (According to the film)

DO: Because it is the only place which was not hit by natural disaster. Plus it is well endowed with resources which other continents lack.

Tlb: Are you glad that the film is churning a debate?

DO: Yes I’m glad. It is what we set out to do & we were successful at it.

Tlb: What is the future for Usoni?1292245_173178542873932_1028630118_o

DO: We are currently looking for funding for production of the other episodes. We have also pitched the concept to TV stations.

Tlb: Where can interested viewers watch it?

DO: We plan to release the pilot on Youtube soon.

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